Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Definition: the characteristic outline or surface configuration of a particular form.
* By having shapes, we can identify and categorizes forms.
* Non geometrical shapes : organic shape

Lines are used to define shapes.

-A line connects two points or two dots.
-A series of dots placed together forms a line.
-A line can be straight or curvy.
-A shape- made by ending a line.
-A silhouette- outline of a shape.
Shape is conceived by xontour or silhouette ; not by DETAIL.

Shape refers to the configuration of shapes and edges of a 2 or 3 dimensional object.

*Mechanical shapes- made with straight lines, circles angd/ or part of circles - the shape that can make with ruler or compass, technical tools.

*Man-made shape~ geometrical shapes

Geometrical shapes: straight with straight sides/ regularlly shaped curves
Organic shapes: shapes that are not regular or free-form.

Primary shapes : Circle, Triangle, Rectangle.

! John Gero and Han Jun
" Drawn shapes play a critical role not only in representing a design concept but also in allowing the designer to reinterpret them to develop new ideas."

-The figure and ground relationship is one of the most important principles in design( must be considered by designer).
-The figure- what you notice ; ground is everything else.
-Shape is a vital design element used as a visual tool.
-The area- composition takes place in is called-- format( defined by its shape and size).
-Shape preferences based on cultural, personal memory and conventional.
-Architects convey motion through Architecture.
*Dancing House, moving shape.
* Front of the building, term : facade ( ''fesat'')

Horizontal planes (4)
1. Overhead plane
* Farnsworth House ( Meis Van der Rohe)
* Glass House, Connecticut

2. Base plane

3. Depressed plane
* Rockafeller Center, New York

4. Elevated plane
* Acropolis, Rome
*Izumo Shrine
* Pavilion of Supreme Harmony, Beijing

Vertical planes
1. L-shaped plane

2. Parallel plane

3.U-shaped plane

4.Four planes : Closure

5. Single vertical plane
* S. Agostino, Rome

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