Monday, August 10, 2009


During these 3 weeks, i learnt a lot. from sickness. Although I'm antibodied and also injected with sort of vaccine, I'm still clear that who care about me. My parents, my kaima, my siblings, my friends. All of them make me nearly cried, but i really cried once. I really can't hide my feelings. I believe when you are in that desperate situation, that memorable hard moments, you would find this crying method the best way to express everything deep beneath your heart. Maybe I'm that sentimental, but I think i have both sides, when i'm out there, i can be very strong tough of person, but back home, i can't hide myself under blanket, crying. I really admit that i have double personalities. People saw me as a funny, enjoyable, easy-going person by the outside, but by the same time, i have down moments, just my close friends know that i think, or even they don't even know. After these period of sufferrings, I learnt how to be grateful to God, everything that is go smoothly, nice happenings. My aunt kept on telling me that if i do not recover from this terrible sore throat, it may worsen and fatal. I suddenly realise that life doesn't control by ourselves, our hands. It is everything depends on God. Taking pills, drinking a lot of water, taking rest are like my new homeworks. By tomorrow, everything will be settled. I'm immuned from bacteria, invading harmful microorganisms. Because I'm ANTIBODIED....

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